Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why You Need Good SEO Terms for High Page Rankings

In order to understand the full meaning of SEO ranking an uninitiate in Internet working principles should define SEO and page ranking. On the one hand, SEO, or search engine optimization is the art or the science of making a web site interesting and attractive to search engines, to put it in the simplest of terms. Otherwise, SEO refers to an extremely large range of tactics, strategies, tools and softwares that one can lose track of in the maze. On the other hand, page ranking represents the estimation of the page value or importance, performed by the search engine on the basis of the optimization we’ve mentioned above.
The web site receives the SEO ranking by the appreciation or the analysis of the keywords and relevant links operated by the search engine. However, the SEO ranking is normally considered a rather poor indicator of the page performance, since its rates depend on a large sum of factors. The basis of the process at the end of which you receive a relevance index starts with the key-phrases an Internet user types in the search box of the engine. The search engine looks at content and thus it categorizes the web page to a certain domain, and afterwards relies on this item of information to determine the page accuracy for a specific keyword search.
SEO ranking or the page rank stands for the Google form of perception for the quality and the credibility of a certain page. The ranking is shown in numbers from 0 to 10, and the above mentioned relevance becomes the only factor that separates two competitors with the same SEO ranking. The page that has the most relevant content for the keyword typed in the search engine will appear first on the search engine result page. Therefore, content quality is strongly emphasized by web masters when working on the optimization of a site.
Even if lots of theories have been formulated about the way Google analyzes SEO ranking, there is one unanimous opinion about the importance of the links. Thus, the more the links, the higher the SEO ranking. The value of the rank comes from credible sites linking to your page; thus, the site will get more points with quality credible web pages displaying your link than with less serious ones. If you have a link on a site ranked 10, it will value more than a link from a page ranked 4.

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